A Time to Learn

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says; There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven.

As we all know the season for education is upon us. Education is the second most important part of our life. The first of course is excepting Jesus into our hearts and making Him our Most High Teacher.

My daughter-in-law is a Jr. High teacher and she says that in order to be effective in the classroom the students have to have discipline. Discipline is a process that is taught starting at a very young age and goes on through our life.

Merriam/Webster dictionary says; Discipline is 1-Punishment, 2-a field of study, and 3- training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character.

Discipline is hard, work. I have been told you have to do something for 21 days before it takes hold in your mind.  My grade-school teacher told us to write out our spelling list ten times over. That wasn’t cruel; she knew that combining different approaches to sensory input would imprint the words in our brains.

People learn in different ways. I have known some people to learn from rapping, not like some of the music people do, but from reading  Bible verses aloud two or three times, then trying to recite it without looking at the page.

Listening to audio tapes is a good way to learn. Today with books on tape and tape of the Bible you can have information going into the mind 24/7 if needed.

A few years ago when I was going through some difficult times, I write a scripture verse on a sticky note and tape it to my bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, the rear view mirror in my truck, or wherever I would be for most of the day. You can also get the verse cards from the Christian bookstore.

A person needs to set goals for learning what they need in their lives, whether it is school lessons or the Bible. Getting with family, friends or a study group and talk it over often leads to discussion and practical applications. Accountability can be fun!

Regardless of which method-or combination of methods-works for you, persevere. Periodically review what you have studied to keep things fresh in your mind.

Remember we’re not memorizing Scripture to look smart. God’s Word should affect our lives every day. As Jesus said, “If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed” (John 8:31)

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