Would You Rather Prevent or Treat Heart Disease?

This year 750,000 American men and women will die of a heart attack.  That is 2,055 Americans each day, eighty-five per hour and nearly one and a half deaths per second.  More than 47 percent of these deaths occur before emergency help arrives.  It is the silent fear of all middle aged men, as often the first symptom of a heart attack is a heart attack.  Men fear heart disease like women fear breast cancer.  However, you may be surprised to know, it is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States.  The question we should be asking is why?

What do you believe is the cause of heart disease?  Most Americans would answer that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease.  This may be the opposite of anything you have ever heard, but cholesterol is NOT the cause of heart disease.  Did you know that cholesterol is essential to the human body?  Cholesterol is in each cell of your body and believe it or not, you want it to stay there.  It plays a vital role in stabilizing your cells, providing structure to your cell membranes.  It’s similar to the role of nails in that holding your house together.  If you removed each nail, what would happen to your house?  It would fall apart!  Cholesterol is also a precursor to your body’s hormones such as testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen, as well as vitamin D production.  If cholesterol is so bad for our health, why is it so important in our body?

You may be wondering: well, what about statin drugs.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans are “trusting their hearts to Lipitor”.  Conventional medicine is lowering cholesterol, but is it preventing heart disease?  Do you really want to abnormally lower something that is so vital to your health, in exchange for the likelihood of having negative side effects, such as memory loss, amnesia and muscle and joint pain?

If cholesterol isn’t the cause of heart disease, what is?  Well, there are many factors that contribute to the cause of heart disease, and the following is a vital piece of the health puzzle. Believe it or not: A deficiency in vitamin C, in the cells of the blood vessel walls, is a major factor in the cause of heart disease. When lesions form in our arteries, the body needs collagen to properly repair itself, and our body needs vitamin C to form collagen. If your body does not have a sufficient amount of vitamin C, it will compensate in an unhealthy way with a sticky substance that forms sticky plaques. Dr. Matthias Rath found that this sticky substance in the artery walls is actually made from a similar cholesterol-based protein called lipoprotein(a). These plaques then build up and cause blockage in the arteries, which then cause heart attack and stroke.

Consequently, the presence of vitamin C in your body is vital. However, humans, guinea pigs and monkeys are the only species that do not have the ability to make their own vitamin C. If our bodies completely lacked vitamin C, we would get scurvy, and then the lesions would rupture causing us to die from internal bleeding. Vitamin C is also needed to convert cholesterol to bile, and to keep cholesterol and lipoprotein(a) from building up in your bloodstream.

Equally important is the body’s thyroid hormone level, which has been shown to be directly correlated to the rate of heart attacks deaths. A truly remarkable finding: Dr. Broda Barnes performed a twenty year study of the relationship between supplemental thyroid hormone and reduced risk of heart attacks, which demonstrated a decreased heart attack death rate of 95 percent in patients who received natural thyroid hormone. With this in mind, please remember thyroid production declines as we age. Specifically, fifty-year-olds produce 50 percent less thyroid hormones than they did in their twenties.

Prevention: Forget about drugs or surgery, you can prevent and reverse plaque build-up in your arteries through proper vitamin and mineral supplementation. The protocol I recommend for prevention of heart disease consists of the following daily regimen: vitamin C, L-Lysine, L-Proline, Coenzyme Q10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Omega 3 and Magnesium Citrate, as well as lowering your homocysteine levels by boosting your levels of B12 and folic acid.

The choice is yours on how you can prevent or treat heart disease. It is my intent to insure you are educated about some of the risks associated with conventional pharmaceutical approaches to symptoms, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, and to present you with natural options so that you can make an informed decision. I encourage you to take charge and be proactive with your health.

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