Faithwest Academy to Perform ‘The Miracle’

Miracles, by definition, fall outside scientific explanations. Miracles are God’s intervention in nature. On Tuesday, April 20, Faith West Academy will transform its facilities into the city of Jerusalem 2000 years ago. The Academy’s Bible students will be preparing for one of the biggest events in the school’s history; a reenactment of the last days of Christ on earth, entitled The Miracle.

“Planning for this production started well over a year ago,’ said Mr. Kirk Rightmire, Head of School/Director of Education at Faith West. ‘Churches and schools traditionally have performances at Christmastime, but rarely do you see a production of this magnitude during the time we observe the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

Rightmire explained that the viewer will gather in the gymnasium for registration. Special entertainment will be provided before the production as a prologue. A shepherd will guide and narrate each step of the journey. Groups are led through a petting zoo of animals that would have been in Israel during the time of Christ. Then in a series of nine short scenes the story of The Miracle is presented as a one-hour performance.

A cast of adults and students perform amid elaborate stage settings bring to life the incredible story of the Man who changed the world forever. The first scene, early Jerusalem market life during Passover, has over 640 square feet of set created by local prop designer Carl Russell of Sets and Props of Houston. Russell has been building Broadway-quality theatrical sets for over 17 years. He stated although he had several of the scenes in stock, some would have to be constructed at his studio near Beltway 8 and Interstate 10. “The sets will be delivered in sections to Faith West and my crew will install them onsite,” said Russell. He explained how each flat, made of Styrofoam and wood, of interlocking pieces is numbered for assemblage.

Besides the colorful sets there will be stunning costumes (handmade by volunteers), state of the art sound and lighting effects, and music to create the experience of The Miracle follows the story of Jesus. The original play was written and will be directed by Kristin McKenzie, Mitzi Wright, and Leigh Anne Watkins of the Faith West Academy Fine Arts Department. “Each of the Bible classes will be given the task of studying an assigned scene,’ said Rightmire. ‘The students will understand the background as well as becoming the actors for that scene.” The scenes will include Jesus’ baptism and the climactic events surrounding the crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, and His Ascension. All part of The Miracle.

“It is our prayer that spirits be lifted and faith renewed as people see The Miracle,” said Rightmire.

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