Politics and Religion: The Power of Blessing

One of the greatest challenges I’ve had in trying to minister fully and effectively to congressional leaders in Washington was to first grasp, and then to remember and practice the truth that “blessing” does not mean – or require – my agreement! A few may recognize that truth somewhat superficially, but at a very deep level, this character trait of “blessing the undeserving” is one of the most profound differences between God and a carnal human (and unfortunately, most Christians).

We too often view God like we view each other or even ourselves. At best, we say we could never bless evil (and are in fact commanded to hate evil). But there is a difference between evil demonic forces and human beings who are created in the image and likeness of God, from whom we wrongfully withhold blessings when we’re commanded to release those blessings even to those who curse us! It is our duty, honor, privilege and authority – and a measure of our Christ-likeness – to bless others regardless of their performance, goodness, or obedience – just like God did in sending Jesus to reconcile us.

Many members of the Body of Christ – leaders and “laity” – create legalistic pressures of one kind or another to get others to conform, perform, or reform. The preaching and teaching against sin is arguably effective at condemning the obvious wrongs, but rarely extends the true freedom, power, and grace of the genuine Christian life by emphasizing “the blessing.” This misses the victory from which we should live. We’re left – erroneously – with little more than hoping, wishing, and praying to gain in the “great by and by” what Christ has already given us!

Scripture is clear that when we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Take that in for a few moments. It was – and is – the most incredible, infinite, and eternal blessing; initiated and completed by God Himself while mankind was not just neutral or uncaring, but in open rebellion toward God and His ways. His “blessing” of salvation through Jesus Christ (alone) certainly did not equate “agreement” with our fallen state. The true nature of God is to love and bless, reconcile and restore. That is who He is; who are you?

This is one aspect of the hidden power of the Christ-life. It is one of those things that we don’t really get. We don’t love our enemies like we should. We don’t bless others as we should – even when they’re somewhat “deserving” of blessing in our eyes. And we especially fail to obey, from the heart, the command to “bless those who curse us and despitefully use us.” We must change!

Two of the Greek words used for “blessing” in the New Testament essentially mean “eulogy” (a tribute) and “attribution of good fortune.” The latter has the understanding of God’s full intention and favor for one’s life. To “bless” is to prophetically state over a person, institution or organization “May the Lord grant you favor and the fullness of His intentions and potentiality that He has purposed for you.” To say to someone “I bless you” is to release the power of God’s desire and potential over the person or thing so as to come into the full manifestation of God’s will in the matter. This is an awesome, real, and powerful dynamic!

This is also an aspect of identity – who you are; who your father is. A key goal and potential of the genuine Christian life is to become like our Father God, as exemplified by His Son Jesus. Just as Jesus represented the nature and character of the Father, so are we to reflect Jesus’ same attributes. This potential is already in us due to the shed blood of Jesus and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. As Andrew Wommack says, “you’ve already got it,” including the Lord’s authority and nature to “bless.” Scripture is clear; “…as He is, so also are we in this world.” You’ve got to get it that “you’ve already got it”! Then use it!

So how does this apply to our government? Simple. Bless our leaders (in addition to praying for them), and do not curse them. All of them. No matter their party. No matter whether you agree with them or not. I know many, many Christians who get so infuriated with our government that they wind up speaking curses out of their mouth and aren’t really even aware of what they’re doing. James 3 discusses at length that our mouths are to speak blessings and not curses!

In no way am I suggesting any denial of reality, but rather the reality of the truths and power of God to override natural facts and change things in ways we can hardly imagine. I’ve written very strong columns here about the incredible misbehavior of our government, its lawlessness, and its rebellion to our constitution. Diagnosing problems and exposing the truth and applicability of the scriptures (and the constitution) is “not” cursing. It is exposing the works of darkness which we are commanded to do. But do not curse the people in the process! Be aware of the wrong, but do not focus on it. Do not live in doubt and unbelief! Focus on the Lord and His power to make changes. Exercise faith and hope! Pray in faith, NOT complaint! And live it out by blessing everyone, including those that curse you! Not only the government, but also your family, church, workplace, neighborhoods, drivers, the economy, etc.! In blessing, you partake of the divine nature of God, and help extend His goodness. Blessing others will change your heart (especially where forgiveness is needed), and the environment around you. You will reap what you sow.

I bless you to be a blessing! I bless you to be a “blessor”!

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