Building Homes with Abiding Faith: David Weekley

With a struggling economy and the worst housing downturn in 50 years, many Christians face financial and life uncertainties. One constant in these challenging times is the knowledge that God is in control. Meet one home builder who has weathered the storm with unwavering faith and a dose of optimism.

David Weekley is a highly recognizable name in the home building business. What readers may not know is that Weekley is a Christian whose faith is reflected throughout his company. He was raised in a Christian family at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church where his father taught Sunday School. “I committed my life to Christ with Young LIfe during High School, then dropped away during college and my early business years,” says Weekley. “I recommitted in my early 40’s due to a number of factors including a mid-life awakening and encouragement from my friends. I also participated in Cursillo – an experience that renewed my faith and impacted  my family and the way I do business.”

As a young man, Weekley followed his childhood sweetheart, Bonnie, to Trinity University in San Antonio and was on track for Harvard Business School, lacking just two requisite years of management experience. “I had no idea I would be in the home building business,” says Weekley. “When recruiters from a home builder visited my campus looking for management-trainee candidates, I accepted their offer.”  He quickly discovered his passion and rose through the ranks. “I liked the company and was learning a lot and doing well,” says Weekley. “Yet I was fired for speaking up on what I considered to be an ethical issue.” Rather than impeding his career, it set wheels in motion. “My older brother financed us to get started in 1976, and the whole journey has been simply providential!””

Weekley is a proud father and husband for 33 years to Bonnie. “I’m fortunate to have three great kids and two precious grandkids, all in different places in their faith journey – as most kids are,” says Weekley. “I have faith that they are progressing forward, and in many ways they are farther along than I was at their age!” As for business advice, “If possible, surround yourself with like-minded people that you are accountable to,” says Weekley. “I’ve been fortunate to be able to create the company culture and hire and work with people sharing the same values. We attempt to run our organization with an emphasis on being other-oriented and Enhancing People’s Lives: Our Team, Our Customers, and Our Community.”

Weekley has steered his company into socially and environmentally responsible initiatives with a focus on wide-ranging stewardship. “As part of my Christian awakening almost 20 years ago, I committed to give 50% of my income and time to charitable causes. Since 1992 I’ve found that you can’t “out-give” God. He has blessed our company and me greatly. Based upon my ownership share, approximately 20% of the company’s earnings go into charitable causes. I don’t think this is something that any other home builder does,” says Weekley. His community-consciousness doesn’t stop there. In terms of energy efficiency, his company is on the cutting edge. “We are one the only builders in Houston to offer the Environments for Living Platinum program, which allows us to issue a guarantee for energy usage of each home which can been seen on our website, or in our “Green Rooms” display at our models.”

Through all life’s highs and lows, Weekley realizes that he’s not in control and that God navigates downturns and the upswings. “I just keep the faith and keep on keeping on!I believe home ownership is one of life’s greatest achievements and have been privileged to share this dream with over 65,000 families,” he says. “This unique experience has taught me that, beneath the surface, we have a lot more in common than we might think. Whether we’re recent immigrants or our ancestors arrived on the Mayflower, each of us wants our loved ones to have a hot meal and a roof over their head. No matter where we live or the color of our skin, all of us want our children to have it better than we did.”

Weekley currently sits on the board of Camp Eagle in the Texas Hill Country that ministers to over 10,000 people per year and continues to lead his company into 2011 with God’s guidance.

For more information on home ownership and ‘green’ initiatives visit

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