Kerryl Ann Frank

Kerryl Ann Frank Credits The Composer of Her Life

Kerryl Ann Frank has been blessed many times over as a child of God, wife, homeschooling mother of three, and registered nurse. She is also the daughter-in-law of Dr. Neil Frank and hales from a musical family. She’s a vocalist and keyboardist at Parkway Fellowship. Yet she never saw herself as a musical artist until God called her in a new way, just two years ago.

The fall of 2009 was challenging for Frank. Her oldest had gone to college, her daughter was planning to attend A&M, another was at Baylor . . . and the family was worried about finances. Frank had home schooled for 11 years and in the back of her mind thought about re-entering the nursing field. “I kept my license up-to-date, just in case,” says Frank. She felt torn, not quite sure of her path. In hindsight she says, “Everyone walks through valleys and struggles, and God equips us to handle problems, but He also wants us to give those problems to Him.”

A turning Point

One day Frank was completely humbled before God, on her knees folding laundry, when she felt His presence and cried out in her spirit, but also vocally. That night she “started over,” pulling out different Bibles and 2010 devotional books. She found a chronological Bible given to her by her mother who had a music degree and taught her children piano and sang professionally and in the church choir. Her kids were musically gifted — how could they be otherwise, especially since they were a captive audience to both sets of grandparents, all living nearby? Each grandparent contributed to their education and talents.

Her oldest would come home from Baylor and play beautiful, original music. “Mitchell, do you understand this is a generational blessing from your grandmother, a God-given talent?” she asked him. “Although you’re majoring in engineering, you are a phenomenal musician . . . just stop and recognize it’s from God.” Frank just assumed the blessing had skipped one generation (her) and that God gave her other talents. She felt she was merely mediocre as a pianist and vocalist and that her place was serving, but not out in front.

Then Came an Epiphany

As she read Genesis 1:1, John 1:1 and Psalms 90:1, she looked up a particular song, not a Psalm written by David, but by Moses. She totally recommitted herself to God, and when she got to Psalms 90:1, 2 and 4, the entire passage leapt off page. All the instruments, all the harmonies, were given to her. Although she never asked God to give her a song, she audibly heard His voice say, “I did not skip you. From your son to your mother, I went through you and for you.” That song played constantly in Frank’s head for for next two weeks – never stopping. She called Pat Hunt, Music Minister at Parkway, and said, “God gave me a song, can you listen to it?” He said, “Sure,” and she went straight to the church to play it for him. “How did you do this?” he asked, overwhelmed. “God did it,” Frank answered. “I can’t explain it.”

Love Notes

Hunt was stunned by the chords and the fact that Frank had no song writing training. “People just don’t ‘do’ this!” he exclaimed. Frank answered, “I know – it’s new, its fresh, and I’m still just basking in all God is telling me.” And God didn’t stop there. Frank was given more songs and took them to Hunt. He said “You’re making me feel bad!” — and was inspired to start writing his own songs again. And he said, “You need to write lyrics for me!” It became clear that it was time to start making a CD.

In short, Frank, indeed, is a music artist. Her album contains all her own, original music– and she feels that two years ago as she prayed and read His Word, she was given an anthem sung by angels. Love notes —literally—were placed on her heart with instructions to share them with the world. Thus was born her original CD titled, “What Lies Within.” It features beautiful, heartfelt songs including Pray For Me, The Lord’s Prayer, Love On A Tree, The Power Of His Love, Yesterday, Today And Forever, and What Lies Within.

Now, when a song plays in her head, Frank asks God, “What are you wanting to show me?” She had dusted off her resume to prepare to go back into nursing, but God kept giving her songs. “I’m supposed to be investing in the kingdom,” says Frank. “I’ll say, ‘I need to hear Your voice, will you give me a song?” and God answers.” She learned to pray out loud, using all her senses. To this day she opens her Bible to see and speak and hear His word. “This is a powerful tool to defeat the attacks against marriage and family, absolutely vital to help do battle against enemy. It’s more than just reading words in a Bible. I have to be active, proactive, and keep praise music playing in house all the time. Those tools of seeing, speaking, praying . . .  they create songs that come from those scriptures.”

What Lies Within

The music is from God — miraculous — not so much that He did it, but the fact He did it without Frank asking. “Choosing which songs would appear on the CD was difficult,” says Frank. The tracks total twelve with more to follow, as each day brings new songs. And each song shares a bit of her personal journey, which includes some times of despair as well as great joy. Messages of faith, hope and God’s faithfulness permeate each. Frank gives God credit as the composer of her life. The title of her next CD will very probably be Composer of the Song.

You can learn more about Kerryl Ann Frank and her inspired music at, on and on her Facebook page.

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