Politics and Religion: Where Do We Go From Here?

I was somewhat shocked and disappointed at the outcome of the election. Doesn’t everyone realize how deeply in trouble we are as a nation, and yet we re-elected a man who is a major part of the problem. The great mystery to me is how Romney got two and one half million FEWER votes nationwide than McCain did in 2008 (certainly not in some states like Texas and Oklahoma, thank God).

How could this happen? Whatever happened to America? What ever happened to honesty, integrity, adherence to higher and lofty goals? Have we tipped the scales, where the anarchist mentality of the “Occupy movement” is beginning to carry the day? Are the “47%” of takers to be written off, as Romney wrongly implied? Does truth and consequences matter anymore?

After the November election, a question needs to asked: “Where do we go from here?” In answer, the Lord seems to primarily be saying, “Jesus.”

I think we do not realize how far we’ve fallen in our personal lives and in our nation. Even before the election, I’ve seen and heard how urgent it is that we repent, but realistically, repent for what? Given the proper meaning of the word “repent” and the whole of moral perspective, it is strategically true. To repent means to change one’s mind. And one thing we need to change our minds about is compromise.

Think of how many Christians are in bondage to pornography. How many Christians simply lie daily as a convenience? How many Christians don’t really care to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, but rather give them over to cell phones, video games, sports and any other amusing distraction? How about divorce? What about marital and family disorder? How about how Christian business owners treat and pay their employees? How about Christian employees doing their best on the job for their employer “as unto Christ,” regardless of how they’re treated? In short, how about maturity?

Not to mention, we do not help the poor as we’re supposed to. We leave it to the government, when it is mostly none of their business. People are in some way going to appreciate and “glorify” whoever helps them in their time of need, be it Jesus, or government. A generation or two of the latter leads to a bondage to government entitlements. Government is NOT God, though many in government want to be seen as such, especially now.

As a nation we continue to allow abortion and teach the  stupid, but deadly, lie of evolution. We make “conservative” arguments about how some things ought to be, but do so largely without stating that it is God who says “such and such.” We make “good arguments” without making the case that it is God who lays out for us the way things should be in our personal lives, culture and society, and it is to Him that we are accountable.

It seems many people want to practice the “Christian religion” but do not seek the heart relationship nor the trust and obedience of doing things God’s way, at least not in the sense that they want Christianity genuinely impacting their everyday life. As I’ve said for many years, there is nothing wrong with America that is not wrong in the church. God and His Word are the very foundation and life of this nation. But perhaps we’ve become more like the churches in Revelations, especially the church in Ephesus, who did many things right, but had lost its first love.

Now at the same time, evil is being increasingly unleashed on many levels. Just look at Israel and the Middle East. Many dynamics are on the pathway and “coming to a head.” The attacks against Christ and

His body, the church, seems to be increasing exponentially.

At this writing, the “fiscal cliff” is headed our way. Eventually, a day of reckoning will come.

Some say the Republicans should just walk away and let the Democrats “own it.” I think there is great wisdom in that perspective, except that a house divided against itself will fall. But going along to get along (compromise with evil) is not the solution, either. The answer will take some real wisdom and backbone, learned from the word of God. Republicans have had their share of holding the House, Senate, and the White House over the last two or three decades, but have never defunded Planned Parenthood, or even PBS, for that matter. What good are claims of truth and righteousness that are never acted upon? It’s time they grew a spine!

So where do we go from here? Re-evaluation, Re-examination, Repentance, Re-direction, Renewal! May God help us to get it right, in truth and love for those who are lost and hurting, the renewal of America, and especially for His glory and honor! Trust and rest in the reality that God is for us, and not against us. God will take care of His own, even if we are facing increased tribulation on this earth. God is love. He is faithful. And He cannot and will not deny Himself.

Mark Williamson is the Founder and President of Foundation Restoration Ministries and Federal Intercessors, educational and intercessory ministries dedicated to the restoration of Biblical truth, righteousness and justice in the nation and culture, reaching even the highest offices of the Federal government. The views expressed in this column are his personal opinions and observations. Learn more, join the prayer cause, or support the ministry at www.federalintercessors.net. You may contact him directly at mark.williamson@federalintercessors.net, or at 713-722-4301.            

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