Student Profile: Lauren Gonzales

Lauren Gonzales
Classification: 7th Grade
Fellowship Christian Academy

Lauren has been an extraordinary student at Fellowship Christian Academy since she was 2 years old in our Preschool program. She is the daughter of Isaac and Heather Gonzales of Sugar Land. She was the valedictorian of her 5th grade class in 2013 and continues to excel in academics.  Lauren’s hobbies include helping others, rescuing animals, running, and exercising. Her favorite subjects in school are Science and Math. She also loves P.E.! Lauren’s ambition in life is to help people and animals who don’t have homes. She also strives to help rehabilitate injured animals. Lauren has a great love for the Lord and her favorite scripture is Philippians 2:3, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”

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