Bear Creek Church Opens Doors to 27,500 Sq. Ft. of New Ministry Space

New-building-constructionBear Creek Church opened its doors on Sunday to 27,500 square feet of new ministry space for preschoolers, children and adults following eleven months of facility construction.

After reaching capacities in several areas, church members committed $4.1 million to the building campaign, allowing construction to begin on February 17, 2014. Bay-IBI Group and Sterling Structures provided architectural and construction services throughout the project.

With 16,000 square feet dedicated to a preschool and children’s wing that includes 15 new classrooms, both ministries now have the capabilities to grow by 50 percent and reach 250 new preschoolers and 200 new children.

Artist's renderingA worship area for children has also been added to the new building, bringing this space into proximity with children’s classrooms and enhancing security. This area is nearly 5,000 square feet and will allow approximately 300 children to gather together at one time.

The adult ministry gained seven new classrooms spanning 6,500 square feet. This space allows 500 new adults to connect to a discipleship group within the church.

Alongside its expanded ministry space, Bear Creek also added 260 new parking spaces to accommodate guests and members.

“This new building allows us to present the gospel to our community in a much broader way,” said David Welch, lead pastor at Bear Creek Church. “With church construction in America reported to be down by 80 percent since 2002, we feel blessed that we have faithful members who are willing to commit and follow through with a giving-campaign on such a large scale. I can’t wait to see the greater things that God will accomplish through our expanded ministries.”

Located at the crossroads of West Houston, Katy and Cypress, Bear Creek Church strives to reach multiple communities and neighborhoods throughout the city. Pastor David Welch has served at Bear Creek Church since 2001, and his vision is for the church to be a gospel-centered environment where every person is moved to worship God passionately, grow together authentically, serve others sacrificially and share Christ everywhere. For more information, visit

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