Friends of Sundown

(Katy, Texas) – Friends of Sundown is a community-based initiative that is strengthening the neighborhoods around Sundown Elementary through spiritual growth, education, revitalization and basic needs. We are powered by Attack Poverty; a non-profit organization that is global in reach and serves locally. At Friends of Sundown we are committed to breaking the cycle of generational poverty through empowering people to attack poverty in their life and community. We are not just an organization; we are part of a larger movement of “Friends Initiatives”! These Friends Initiatives are long-term commitments to under-resourced communities that require mutual relationships and collaborative efforts with local churches, residents, and stakeholders committed to community transformation. 

After conducting research and listening to members of the community, Friends of Sundown was launched December 2013 to serve one of the most under-resourced areas in Katy. The boundaries of the area we serve are from I-10 to Mayde Creek (the actual creek) and Westgreen to Fry Road. Not only do we partner with the local residents to strengthen the neighborhood, we partner with Sundown Elementary School as well as. Through this partnership with the elementary school, we were able to host the first School Carnival in 18 years in May 2014! There was over 100 volunteers, ¾ of the students participated, and over $10,000 was raised to support Sundown Elementary. The 2nd annual carnival was also a huge success, and we are excited to host the 3RD annual carnival this school year as well. 

Friends of Sundown also supports the elementary school through an after school program called You Can Academy (YCA). Through YCA we provide a safe and positive environment where our students can enjoy activities that strengthen their academic skills and encourage positive character development as well as helping influence the choices that students make by increasing critical thinking skills into their lives. 

Out in the community through the help of volunteers, we repair homes for the elderly and low income individuals in order to create a safer living environment, mentor and offer guidance to children in our after school programs, and help students with homework. Mission Week is held the first week of summer after school is out. It is a week filled with fun, activities, kid’s camp, sports camps, and home improvement projects. 

We also offer educational classes to assist adults in obtaining their GED, training for job readiness (Jobs For Life), developing financial literacy, learning English (ESL), and acquiring basic computer skills. 

To find out more about our various programs or to volunteer please contact the Initiative Director, Glenn Lerich at 281-395-3850 x 329 or

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