Letter from the Publisher

Wow, what a busy two months it has been for us all! Our prayers and thoughts are with everyone who has experienced loss due to Harvey. Katy and Fort Bend County were two of the hardest hit areas due to flooding. Many have lost their homes, vehicles, jobs… some even lost their lives in this tragedy. Yet even in hardship, the Lord is with us. Our communities will stand strong, and we will rebuild. Thank you to everyone who donated their time and resources toward aiding in greater Houston’s recovery. Natural disasters can bring out the most admirable qualities in humanity; the way that everybody pulled together to help both friends and total strangers was nothing short of beautiful.

We would also like to extend our condolences to my Pastor, Ed Young of Second Baptist Church. His wife, Jo Beth Young, passed away on September 17, 2017. She was 80 years old. Jo Beth never wanted the spotlight her husband is under, but she did incredible work behind the scene. She was a model Christian and wife to Pastor Young. Jo Beth will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

On another note, the fall is usually my favorite time of the year. I love our first cool fronts and the changing of the seasons, but my favorite passion about the arrival of fall is pro football. This year, that has drastically changed. Nowadays, everything in our society has become politicized. Football, for many of us, used to be an escape from our country’s polarization and obsession with politics. Now, political agendas have infiltrated even our sports and pro athletes everywhere refuse to stand for the pledge of allegiance. In doing so, they refuse to honor this great country that has allowed them to become profitable; and for what? To protest against imagined grievances and so-called police brutality? There is an old saying, “you should never bite the hand that feeds you.” Not only has the NFL bitten our hands, but they’ve shown a utter lack of respect to our nation’s veterans that have given them the freedom to protest in the first place. If you feel you have grievances against the police, fine. Call a news conference or ask a television or radio station to give you 30 minutes to air your complaints. Such is your right as a citizen. Just don’t take it onto the playing field. We don’t want to hear it. First of all, the NFL is not a platform for free speech; it’s a work place environment. Professional football players are contracted employees who do not have the right to protest unless their boss (the NFL) gives them that right. Period.

Furthermore, the NFL selectively enforces rules that they choose to enforce. Most people probably aren’t aware that the NFL already has a rule in place requiring everyone to stand for the pledge; look up Rule a62 63. What they choose to enforce or not to enforce is their business, but if they want to keep their fanbase and save the game, stand for the Pledge of Allegiance!
Joseph R. Menslage
Katy Christian Magazine

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Joseph Menslage

As the President and Publisher of Katy and Fort Bend Christian Magazines, Joe Menslage is committed to covering social and political news from a Christian worldview. He founded Katy Christian Magazine in 2005, which swept the greater Houston and Katy areas like a storm. That’s when Joe realized the urgent need for publications willing to give voices to the voiceless, without political correctness or censorship. Joe Menslage founded sister-publication Fort Bend Christian Magazine in 2014. Prior to creating Katy Christian Magazine, Joe Menslage led a colorful life. He was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, spent a great deal of his childhood in Colorado, and lived in a couple of other states before he moved to Houston in 1981. Joe was God-gifted with an entrepreneurial mind, and self-started other business ventures before he found his calling. In Joe’s words, our innate talents are given by the Lord, and are meant to be used to serve the Lord. Aside from being a President and Publisher, Joe Menslage is also the co-founder of Katy Christian Chamber of Commerce, where Christians can network, build business connections, listen to passionate speakers, and enjoy monthly breakfasts and lunches. Joe Menslage also hosts a weekly political satire YouTube channel. Joe Menslage has four children. Outside of work, he enjoys hiking, watching zombie movies and K dramas, ax-throwing and Krav Maga.