Danna for Sheriff Gains Traction

Joe Danna is a popular guy in Harris County, the guy you call when you can’t get help or answers elsewhere and need to get the job done. 

For years, Danna has stepped in to solve problems, lend assistance, or bring attention to matters largely ignored by Harris County leaders. 

Now, Danna will get another chance to hold the position of the highest law enforcement officer of the county, after current Sheriff Ed Gonzalez accepted the nomination for head of ICE. 

Katy Christian Magazine publisher Joseph Menslage endorsed Danna for Sheriff shortly after the announcement, stating that Harris County has been plagued by a “politics before safety” mindset that needs to be reversed. 

I spoke with Danna to hear firsthand how he feels about stepping into the office of Sheriff, both in the interim and again during re-election in 2022. 

RD: Why do you think Harris County needs you right now?

JD: Harris County needs a Sheriff that has a burning desire to protect & serve the community, and that desire has only strengthened over the years. We must take politics out of the Sheriff’s Office. The 4500 men & women of Harris County deserve better.

RD: What makes you the ideal candidate for this position?

JD: My 30 years of experience in law enforcement has taught me what the public really needs to effectively provide police services. We will stop making knee jerk political decisions and begin to look at a common sense approach for what’s best for the office and the community.

RD: What do you bring to the table that makes you a stand-out candidate?

JD: My upbringing of living by the Golden Rule is a great start. Appreciation of others is #1 in my book. Listening to the community along with transparency is a must to earn the trust back.

RD: If elected, what would be your first areas of focus and why?

JD: The Organizational Chart must be revised to effectively serve the community. A Citizen Advisory Board will be established to help listen to the citizens on what they need from the Sheriff’s Office.

The Reserve Division will be at minimum, doubled, from currently under 200 to 400 or 500 as it used to be. This is an asset that should be used to educate the public on law enforcement matters, and much more.

RD: How have you been involved in the community and how has your involvement helped?

JD: My reputation in law enforcement to aggressively help others has resulted in many calls I receive on a weekly basis to help in different areas of law enforcement. I receive calls every week for personalized issues from citizens who cannot find answers from law enforcement agencies.

RD: Tell me a little about yourself, outside of the law enforcement arena.

JD: I have spent my entire life in Harris County and never left. I was born and raised to a large Catholic Italian family on the north side of Houston.

I was the second oldest of 10 siblings, so I have been serving and protecting family and friends all my life.

My late wife of 48 years, Donna Danna and I, raised two grown daughters and adopted our great niece, Kailey, at 2 months old. Kailey, now 12 years of age, has many wonderful traits she learned from Donna.

Donna, a former teacher, instilled in our family, the importance of education and strict guidelines which all three have adhered to.

If you’d like to support Joe Danna for interim Sheriff of Harris County, you can do so by contacting your County Commissioners immediately, as the decision will be made shortly. All contact information is listed here.

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Rebecca Becker

Rebecca has been a lifelong writer committed to telling stories that illuminate special people, places, and causes. She writes for local, regional, national, and international publications and is based in Houston. She’s been a lifelong Christian dedicated to bringing that perspective forth and keeping the Christian voice within the larger conversation.